Health & wellbeing challenges important to males and our communities
Our research agenda directly responds to the leading health and wellbeing challenges facing men and boys – as well as their families and communities – both nationally and internationally. To ensure our research is outcomes-driven and high-impact, we are guided by priorities and strategies outlined in flagship policy documents, including the Australian National Men’s Health Strategy 2020-2030, the National Agreement on Closing the Gap 2020, and Plus Paternal - a Focus on Fathers.
Gender lens
Consistent with the Lancet Commission on Gender and Global Health, FCMHW applies a gender lens to better understand and improve health, policies, services and programs recognising that this is likely to lead to a greater impact than approaches that do not consider gender. FCMHW respects and supports all actions and investment to achieving gender equity and to advancing women’s health. Our male focussed research agenda is not to the exclusion of, or to disadvantage women’s health agendas. The Centre aims to foster collaboration across the men’s health and women’s health sectors.
FCMHW’s research and training promotes intersectionality within men’s health that recognises that gender intersects with other social factors to influence health and wellbeing, and outcomes including ethnicity, culture, ability, education, sexuality, class, and geography.
FCMHW is committed to partnering with local, national and international stakeholders and to empowering and working alongside the men, boys, and families with whom we engage. In doing so, our research is needs driven and responsive, strengthens capacity, supports leadership, and contributes to advancing equity at the global community level.
Biopsychosocial framework
The FCMHW research agenda utilises applied public health, bio-psycho-social, and systems approaches to advance the physical, mental, emotional and social health of boys and men across Australia. FCMHW research adheres to the The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 and to Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines.
Gender equity and diversity
FCMHW Alliance partners uphold and promote gender equity and diversity within and beyond their institutions and each have active dedicated committees. The University of Adelaide, SAHMRI and Flinders University have been accredited Athena Swan Bronze status for their continuing commitment to gender equity and gender diversity. SAHMRI and the University of Adelaide are Members of the Diversity Council of Australia. The Ally network has student and staff members across the Alliance partner institutions.
A holistic approach to male health & wellbeing
FCMHW supports health professional training, health literacy initiatives and research scholarship that takes a holistic view of male health. We seek partnerships to work with men to co-design and tailor services that meet their needs and preferences and that go beyond the tranditional confines and understandings of men’s health to recognise the complexity of multimorbidity and accordingly are transdiagnostic, holistic (include physical, mental, and socio-cultural well-being), cost effective and sustainable.
Guiding documents informing our male health and wellbeing research agenda
National Men’s Health Strategy 2020-2030
Australian Government
A Global Perspective on Men and Self-care 2020
Global Action for Men’s Health
Australian Men’s Health Report Card 2019
Australian Men’s Health Forum
National Agreement on Closing the Gap 2020
Australian Governments & the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations
Plus Paternal - a Focus on Fathers
Healthy Male (Andrology Australia)
The Lancet Commission on Gender and Global Health
Gender and Health Commission