Get Involved
Get involved as a student member of the Centre. Learn from, and work with, world-class clinical, biomedical and social science and policy researchers, kick-start your career and make a difference to male health and wellbeing.
See below for student research project area opportunities and scholarships information.
Current student project opportunities
FCMHW-NT undertakes applied public health research across the following themes:
Indigenous male health
Boys and young men’s health
Equity and social determinants of health
Fathers and families
Social and emotional wellbeing
South AustraliaN DIVISION
Specific PhD projects on offer
Sperm epigenetic remodelling of the early embryo
MicroRNAs (miRs) are non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) present in sperm that respond and modify in abundance to environmental cues, and can alter offspring traits. This laboratory-based project examines the miR cluster, miR-30, which is upregulated in sperm in response to environmental change, and looks to understand how it acts to reprogram the early embryo to alter offspring phenotypes.
Undergraduate training: Science/Health Sciences
Students will be supported to apply for Commonwealth/Uni scholarship and will be eligible for a supplementary scholarship
Contact: Dr Nicole McPherson
General information
FCMHW-SA undertakes research in the areas of basic and applied science, therapeutics, epidemiology, diagnostics, clinical trials, public health, preventative health, lifestyle interventions, digital health, health services, social science, policy, and data science in the following:
Prostate cancer
Chronic disease
Male ageing
Reproductive health
Health systems - services
Sex, gender and health
Boys and young men’s social & emotional health
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander male health
Mental health
The Centre will provide assistance in developing a program of research and applications to Government and University scholarship schemes to support domestic and international students.
Higher degree by research top-up scholarships
Students with a Research Training Award or University scholarships may be eligible for top-up scholarships.
Please refer to the partner university websites for further information on requirements for university admission for higher degrees
W: The University of Adelaide Graduate Centre
E: T: +61 8 8313 5882W: Flinders University Office of Graduate Research
E: T: +61 8 8201 5893
Honours scholarships
$3500 stipend, plus $1500 support to attend a local/national conference to present your research, or to publish your research (University of Adelaide E:
Paddy O'Rourke Honours Scholarship in prostate cancer research
$5000 stipend, plus $1500 support to attend national conference to present your research, or to publish your research. University of Adelaide students only. E:
Summer vacation research scholarships
6-10 week summer program ($1200 - $2000) (All universities E: