Geneotypes of men with advanced prostate cancer who may benefit from metabolic therapies

Mak B, Lin HM, Kwan EM, Fettke H, Tran B, Davis ID, Mahon K, Stockler MR, Briscoe K, Marx G, Zhang A, Crumbaker M, Tan W, Huynh K, Meikle TG, Mellett NA, Hoy AJ, Du P, Yu J, Jia S, Joshua AM, Waugh DJ, Butler LM, Kohli M, Meikle PJ, Azad AA, Horvath LG. Combined impact of lipidomic and genetic aberrations on clinical outcomes in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. BMC Med. 2022 Mar 25;20(1):112. doi: 10.1186/s12916-022-02298-0.
Contact: Lisa Butler

Both changes in circulating lipids represented by a validated poor prognostic 3-lipid signature (3LS) and somatic tumour genetic aberrations are individually associated with worse clinical outcomes in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). A key question is how the lipid environment and the cancer genome are interrelated in order to exploit this therapeutically.

We assessed the association between the poor prognostic 3-lipid signature (3LS), somatic genetic aberrations and clinical outcomes in mCRPC.

It was conlcuded that elevated circulating sphingolipids were associated with AR, TP53, RB1, PI3K and AVPC aberrations in mCRPC, and the combination of lipid and genetic abnormalities conferred a worse prognosis.

These findings suggest that certain genotypes in mCRPC may benefit from metabolic therapies.

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