Safety & useability established for ExerciseGuide for men with metastatic prostate Ca

Using a best practice, stepwise development of an on-line exercise prescription tool for men with metastatic prostate cancer, the ExerciseGuide trial has confirmed its safety and acceptability  and found significant changes in exercise behaviours and promising physical functioning and mood improvements

Evans HEL, Galvão DA, Forbes CC, Girard D, Vandelanotte C, Newton RU, Vincent AD, Wittert G, Kichenadasse G, Chambers S, Brook N, Short CE.
Acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a web- and telephone-based personalised exercise intervention for individuals with metastatic prostate cancer: The ExerciseGuide pilot randomised controlled trial. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Nov 25;13(23):5925. doi: 10.3390/cancers13235925. PMID: 34885036.

Contact: Holly Evans