Blood triglycerides as a prompt to test for obstructive sleep apnoea in normal weight men

New research by the Freemason’s Centre for Male Health and Wellbeing (FCMHW) at SAHMRI has found a potential link between obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and a type of fat found in the blood known as triglycerides.

The study, led by FCMHW Director and University of Adelaide Professor of Medicine, Professor Gary Wittert, showed that participants with more severe OSA and reductions in blood oxygen concentrations were more likely to have elevated concentrations of triglycerides in the blood.

Professor Wittert says that “the important message from this study is that testing for OSA should be considered even in lean men with elevated blood triglycerides concentrations”.


Layla B Guscoth,1 Sarah L Appleton,2 Sean A Martin,1 Robert J Adams,2 Yohannes A Melaku,2 Gary A Wittert1
The Association of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Nocturnal Hypoxemia with Lipid Profiles in a Population-Based Study of Community-Dwelling Australian Men.
Nat Sci Sleep. 2021;13:1771-1782
Contact: Gary Wittert