male health

A review on Web-Based Interventions to Help Australian Adults Address Mental Well-being.

A review on Web-Based Interventions to Help Australian Adults Address Mental Well-being.

Web-Based Interventions to Help Australian Adults Address Depression, Anxiety, Suicidal Ideation, and General Mental Well-being: Scoping Review.

Skaczkowski G, van der Kruk S, Loxton S, Hughes-Barton D, Howell C, Turnbull D, Jensen N, Smout M, Gunn K. JMIR Ment Health. 2022 Feb 8;9(2):e31018. doi: 10.2196/31018. PMID: 35133281.

Contact: Kate Gunn

Announcing the Bellberry Clinical Training Fellowship in Male Health

Announcing the Bellberry Clinical Training Fellowship in Male Health

The Bellberry medical training fellowship has been established recognising the the need for a holistic clinical approach to male health South Australia. The inaugural Fellow is Dr Andrew Peel.

Masculinity and mental health: shaping the attitudes, behaviours and education of young men through sport

 Masculinity and mental health: shaping the attitudes, behaviours and education of young men through sport

This Program aims to listen to the voices of young males around mental health and wellbeing within masculinised sporting cultures, explore the way in which sporting clubs work with young males around mental health and wellbeing, investigate the way in which masculinities are created, maintained, and perpetuated within masculinized sporting clubs, and promote the importance of mental health and wellbeing as a key element of sporting club culture.

Contact: Murray Drummond

Maximising the effectiveness of psychological treatment for young men with psychosis

Maximising the effectiveness of psychological treatment for young men with psychosis

The metacognitive training (MCT) programme is an effective psychological treatment for reducing delusional symptoms and may be particularly effective in young men. This is due to MCT’s unique focuses on the underlying problematic thinking styles responsible for delusions, rather than directly challenging these beliefs, which makes it a less confrontational approach.

Contact: Ryan Balzan

This program’s focus is on de-stigmatising psychosis and its youth-friendly audio-visual delivery to help foster a strong therapeutic alliance that will also help young men stay engaged with therapy and could improve their long-term prognosis.